Welcome to the Remnant Identity Network

Fellowship & Unity

Opportunities to learn from and share experiences with other ministers

Shared Resources & Knowledge

Access to exclusive ministerial resources

Collaborative Mission & Evangelism

Opportunities to collaborate on mission and evangelism projects

Protection & Advocacy

Protection and advocacy for ministers

Personal & Spiritual Growth

Growing both personally and spiritually as a minister

Increased Visibility & Influence

Coming together to increase visibility and influence

Welcome to the Remnant Identity Network

A global Network of Faith based Ministers, Ministries and Religious Organizations who are enlightened by the True Spirit of Prophecy upon Prophet Elvis Mbonye, committed to establishing the Mountain of the Lord's House and a Remnant Army.

Membership Benefits

Fellowship & Unity

Opportunities to learn from and share experiences with other ministers

Shared Resources & Knowledge

Access to exclusive ministerial resources

Collaborative Mission & Evangelism

Opportunities to collaborate on mission and evangelism projects

Protection & Advocacy

Protection and advocacy for ministers

Personal & Spiritual Growth

Growing both personally and spiritually as a minister

Increased Visibility & Influence

Coming together to increase visibility and influence

Collective Advocacy & Influence

Influencing policy and advocating for what we stand for


Networking opportunities with fellow ministers

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